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Monday Night Garage-ing

PES. Our favorite structural engineers threw us another awesome event at Monday Night Garage last week. Both Foley and PES had a solid showing for the tastings, food, & shuffle board activities. We realized that these guys/gals are not only great to work with during work normal hours but are just as great to mingle with afterwork. Let's do it again soon PES!

Appreciation to T-Money & PES

Unfortunately, one of our landplanner's left us last week. Taylor Pounds aka T-money has been a great hit here at Foley the last year and half. He's been prompt, knows how to draft, has photoshop skills, all while also having a great attitude. To show him our appreciation for his hard work, we showered him with 2 farewell poems & thanks to Jennifer we even made it rain on him with Taylor Pound Money. We wish Taylor good luck in his future endeavors as we know he will do well! 

We Don't Design for "Toenails and a Prayer"

Thanks to PES for teaching us how not to design wood buildings for "toenails and a prayer" at last week's lunch and learn. They taught us that joist hangers are not just suggestions but also taught us an extensive amount about designing Type III & V buildings. For those reading, PES knows their stuff. Hire them or make them come teach you. They are knowledgeable, entertaining, & are all around good peeps. Y'all rock. 

Thanks to Pruitt Eberly Stone for the Leap Frog cookies for Leap Day!!!

PES are such appreciative consultants. They "hopped" on over to us to deliver frogs on "Leap Day" as a "thank you". It made the extra Monday that much better.