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Dave's Last Day

Last week we kicked off Dave's Going Away Party with the following Dave poem and a blast from the past video highlighting our adventures with our buddy. This was a sad start to what ended up being a fantastic evening of eating and socializing at the Optimist, followed by bocce'ing at Ormsby's & then closing out the night dancing at Northside Tavern. We are going to miss you buddy. 


Your Foley Family


Unfortunately our Laser Dave is saying farewell

It hasn’t been without a story to tell

We came to know him as Science Nerd

But our first impressions were a bit blurred

He is an excellent dancer & a revit wiz

A great designer and A knower of all thingz,

He’s got laser model making skills & great fashion sense

Who wouldn’t want to be Dave’s best friend?

Well, it’s going to be plenty hard when leave

Least we can enjoy the following Foley Dave Mov-ie..